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Force Quitting Applications

Sometimes applications on your Mac will freeze. However, Mac OS X is great at handling applications that don't respond.

First method: Command+Alt+Esc

If you wish to force quit an application, press "command (⌘)", "alt (⌥)" and "escape". After a few seconds a small window with a list of the open applications will appear.

Force Quit Window

Now all you have to do is select the application that you wish to quit and click the button "Force Quit". All done!

Second method: Activity Monitor

Activity Monitor LogoSome applications may not be visible in the Force Quit Applications window. But don't worry, there are ways to force quite these applications as well.

The first thing you must do is to open an application called Activity Monitor. It is located in "Applications" > "Utilities", but you can also find it by typing its name into the Spotlight search field.

When the application has been launched, it will show you a list of all the ongoing processes on your Mac. Just select the one you wish to quit and click the button saying "Quit Process".

Activity Monitor Interface

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Mårten Björk, author

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This article was written by Mårten Björk, the creator of this site.


I have had moments when the top bar isn't visible and I can't do anything. Is there a way to restart the computer at that time?

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I have had moments when the top bar isn't visible and I can't do anything. Is there a way to restart the computer at that time?